Invertebrates Vocab (Unit #8)

Invertebrates Vocabulary Unit #8

1.       invertebrate: animals that don’t have backbones
2.      ganglion: mass of nerve cells
3.      gut: digestive tract
4.      coelom: body cavity that contains the internal organs
5.      open circulatory system: circulatory system in which the fluid is not contained entirely within vessels
6.      closed circulatory system: circulatory system in which a heart circulates blood through vessels in a closed loop
7.      segment: identical or almost identical repeating body part
8.      exoskeleton: hard external supporting structure
9.      compound eye:  an eye composed of many light detectors
10.   antenna: a feeler that senses touch, taste, or smell
11.   metamorphosis: phase in life cycle of many animals during which a rapid change from immature to adult form takes place
12.   endoskeleton: an internal skeleton made of bone or cartilage
13.   water vascular system: system of canals filled with watery fluid that circulates through an echinoderm’s body
14.   bilateral symmetry: type of symmetry where two sides of the body mirror each other
15.   radial symmetry: type of symmetry where the body is organized around the center like spokes on a wheel
16.   asymmetry: having no symmetry
17.   cnidarians: invertebrate group that has stinging cells
18.   flatworms: invertebrate group that includes the simplest of worms, such as planarians
19.   mollusks: invertebrate group with soft bodies, such as octopus and snails
20.   annelid worms: invertebrate group often called the “segmented worms”
21.   arthropods: invertebrate group whose name means “jointed limb”
22.   echinoderms: invertebrate group with a spiny internal skeleton, such as sea stars
23.   mandibles: mouthparts of an arthropod that can pierce and chew food
24.   cephalothorax: body part made of both head and thorax in an arachnid
25.   nerve ring: circle of nerve fibers in an echinoderm
26.   collar cells: special cells in sponges that filter and digest food from the water
27.   radula: organ in a mollusk used to scrape food
28.   mantle: layer of tissue in a mollusk that protects the body
29.   visceral mass: gills, guts, and other organs in a mollusk

30.   shell: part of the mollusk body that protects it from predators and keeps it from drying out

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